nextCIGAR Journal
From our deepest insights to the latest releases in the world of the luxurious enjoyment, tune in for a good read.
World Chocolate Day - Cigar and Chocolate Pairing
While a well-crafted cigar offers a complete flavour experience on its own, with enticing notes of leather, spice, and nuttiness,...
The Mastery of Pairing Food with Cigars
Seeking the ultimate harmony Cigar pairings have evolved into a pivotal aspect of the cigar culture, with aficionados consistently...
Unwind in Style: Discover Davidoff Black Band Cigar Pairings at Top Town American Bar
As we venture into the ultimate spots for enjoying cigars in Hong Kong, the captivating ambiance of Top Town American...
The Everlasting Champions - Cognac & Cigar
Cognac and cigar always stand next to each other, side by side. This magical pairing has won the heart of...
Rum and Cigar Pairing guide
Does rum go with cigars? This is an often asked question. Usually, people think of whisky when it comes to...
Whisky & Cigar Golden pairing guide
Are you having the cigar on hand but confused about which drink you should pair with? Whisky is your new...
Perfect Match - Spirits & Cigar Pairing Suggestions
We are all looking for new excitement during the smoking journey. Different pairing with the same smoke allows a fresh...
Spring Menu - 3-course Cigar Pairing Idea
Spring! Season to enjoy exotic fruits and food. While we are all restricted at home during pandemics, why not becoming...