Hoyo de Monterrey
Hoyo de Monterrey Epicure No. 1 (2018 Vintage) PCC
Corona Gorda
5⅝” x 46 RG
45 mins
Vintage cigars are a revered subset within the world of premium cigars distinguished by their exceptional age and rarity. Vintage cigars have been allowed to mature and develop harmonious yet complex flavours and aromas over an extended period. Enabling enthusiasts and cigar collectors excite over their unique characteristics and historical significance.
The Hoyo de Monterrey brand dates back to the 19th Century, delivering exceptional smokes around the world. The Hoyo de Monterrey Epicure series is one of the brand's classic cigar lines offering timeless smokes that is known for its approachable yet nuanced flavours.
A delicate smoke delivering rich flavours of toasted nuts and cedar wood that dance on the palate. Balanced with hints of creamy sweetness, adding layers of depth to the experience. Harmonious and refined, striking the perfect balance between approachability and sophistication.