Davidoff 4000 (Vintage Cuban) (5 Cigars/pack)
Coronas Grandes (Long Corona)
6⅛" x 42 RG
60 mins
An extremely rare cigar with roots back to how Davidoff cigars was born. Zino Davidoff ventured into Cuba where he was particularly fascinated with the climate and tobacco growing conditions. He and the Cuban delegation launched an exclusive production for himself as well as his clients after the world war. This is the Ch??teau series, named after greatest names from the French world of wines.
The Mille series was introduced a few years later in 1970 with five formats, including the 4000. Adorned with a white cigar band with metallic gold ?€?Davidoff?€? accented on the center, and both ?€?Habanos?€? and ?€?Cuba?€? printed on the sides.